Brakes are one the most important parts of your vehicle's safety system. Looking for brake service or repair in Monrovia, CA? Then have a highly trained technician at Seiko's Auto Service perform the brake service on your vehicle using the highest quality parts that will help keep your vehicle safe and reliable with noise-free braking for many miles.
When a proper brake service is performed the rotors, drums, calipers, wheel cylinders, and hardware must be inspected, cleaned, and lubed for proper operations.

The brake disc rotors must be replaced when replacing the brake pads on your vehicle. If they are replaced, they must meet manufacturing specifications. There are many cheap brake rotors that do not have the same carbon content or metallurgy compared to high-quality parts. Lower-quality parts can lead to noise issues and brake pulsation. At Seiko's Auto Service in Monrovia, CA we only use high-quality parts.
During drum brake service the drums are checked for inside diameter and replaced if necessary. The wheel cylinders are also checked for leaks and the hardware is checked for damage and replaced, as necessary.
During disc brake service the calipers and hardware is checked for damage, leaks, binding pins replaced, if necessary. The key to keeping the hardware and pins that help keep equal pressure for the outboard and inboard brake pads is cleaning and lubricating with the correct grease that does not damage the rubber components in the system.
One of the most neglected fluids in your vehicle is the brake fluid. The brake fluid absorbs moisture over time and in turn, causes contaminants to form inside the brake's hydraulic system. At Seiko's Auto Service in Monrovia, CA, we recommend replacing the brake fluid in your vehicle at least once every 2 years. The proper way to service the brake fluid in your vehicle is to suck out the fluid in the reservoir, fill it with fresh, clean, and dry brake fluid, bleed the system from all 4 corners of the brake system until fresh, clean, and dry brake fluid comes out, then activate the ABS system (if equipped) to make sure all the moisture and contaminants are removed from the system. Hybrid vehicles and advanced brake systems also require the system to be serviced using a manufacture specific scan tool to activate the system.

For this particular system of your vehicle, it does not make sense to be “cheap”, especially when your family, others around you, and your safety is riding on your brakes. For this one system it does pay to use only the best.
Let the highly trained technicians at Seiko’s Auto Service in Monrovia perform the brake services on your vehicle using only the highest quality parts. Call us or schedule an appointment online today!